воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

changing irq windows xp

I love October soooo much. Its my favorite month because everyday is really pretty outside and i love the way it feels. Itapos;s cool but still sunny.ehhh i love it. Annnnd i love the fact that halloween is coming up...whats better than dressing up like whoever you want to be and getting candy for it by random people. Haha its awesome. I want to go trick or treating but some people donapos;t give candy to 18 or older. Thatapos;s so stupid. Havenapos;t you ever heard of "I donapos;t wanna grow up, iapos;m a toys-r-us kid" thats me Well if they donapos;t serve me candy im going out to party:] whooo hoooo
changing irq windows xp, changing irq xp, changing irqs, changing irqs in windows xp, changing irqs in xp.

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